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Bluegrass Pentecostal Youth Camp

will be held July 8-12, 2024. Guest speakers for 2024 are Bro. Samuel Snow in the morning services and Bro. Enoch Snow in the evening services. Bro Aaron Asselin will be teaching children's church for ages 10 & down Tue-Fri at 10:30 AM



Check-in will be from 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM on Monday, the first day of camp.

Upon arriving, your group must check-in at the cafeteria (First building on the left). Be sure to have all the needed forms filled out and ready at check-in.



Following your online registration, please print the following forms and bring the signed copies to check-in on the first day of Youth Camp.


Medical Release Form (One for each attendee)

Dress Code


The signed medical release form is required for each attendee and must be brought to Bluegrass Pentecostal Youth Camp with the group leader on the first day of camp. If the attendee is under 18, the form must be signed by a parent or guardian.


Background Check

Due to regulations, all attendees aged 18+ that are staying on the campgrounds (Including in RV/Camper-Trailer) will be required to have a background check. The form will be sent to you via sms when you check-in on Monday.

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